

繼11/22(三)之⟨醫學與語文教育中的反思寫作工作坊⟩,本週五(11/24)將舉辦反思寫作學習成效評量教師訓練工作坊⟩,邀請澳洲Griffith大學講師Linda Humphreys與曾廣志副教授講授如何針對醫學教育中經常運用之反思寫作進行學生成效評量,會中講者將透過實際課程之學生寫作講解作業評量方式,提供與會教師實地演練與現場回饋。敬邀全校教師參與,共同交流!



  • 活動名稱:反思寫作學習成效評量教師訓練工作坊
  • 日期/時間:11/24(五)上午9-12點
  • 地點:國研大樓4樓 共同討論室2 (IR458)
  • 報名網址:https://goo.gl/5LHtah

  •  講者簡介
-Ms. Linda Humphreys- Since 2009 Linda has implemented reflective journalling in Griffith University and in the School of Medicine in 2012. This has included development and delivery of resources for both students and facilitators and she supports submission of over 3000 student journal annually. She has provided wider consult and support to other faculties and schools regarding reflective journalling as innovative teaching and curriculum design elements that support students to develop their professional identity and clinical proficiency. She has presented tools for reflective writing to health professional bodies, such as Queensland Health Genetics, Mater Hospital Radiation Oncology Department and the Centre for Palliative Care Research and Education, and at conferences both nationally and internationally.
-Dr. Kwong Chan(曾廣志醫師)- Kwong graduated with an MD degree from KMU and obtained his PhD from Griffith University School of Psychology. He is now a Senior Lecturer of Medical Education teaching communication skills at the School of Medicine, Griffith University, Australia. He was voted one of the most valued staff member in pre-clinical year at the university. He is also a visiting associate professor at KMU.
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